N.G.G. Project (Next Gen Gypsy Project) is an exceptional line-up featuring the new generation of Gypsy Jazz All-Stars…`
When Alexandre CAVALIERE, Amati SCHMITT, Brady WINTERSTEIN, Adrien MOIGNARD, Benji WINTERSTEIN and William BRUNARD combine their talents on stage…
Other possible special guests:
Mozes Rosenbert (guitar), Sébastien Giniaux (guitar) and/or Noé Reinhardt (guitar)
Amati SCHMITT: guitar
Brady WINTERSTEIN : guitar
Adrien MOIGNARD : guitar
Alexandre CAVALIERE : violin
Benji WINTERSTEIN: rhythmic guitar
William BRUNARD: Double bass
Other possible guests :
Mozes ROSENBERG: guitar
Sebastien GINIAUX: guitar
Noé REINHARDT: guitar
4 school concerts as part of Fédération des Jeunesses Musicales Wallonie-Bruxelles’s program
No additional detail for this event.
4 school concerts as part of Fédération des Jeunesses Musicales Wallonie-Bruxelles’s program
No additional detail for this event.
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