Soul - World - Jazz - Gospel

Free River

© Marc Ginot
FREE RIVER is the result of the collaboration between Emma Lamadji, charismatic singer of Central African origin, and Matia Levréro, an excellent guitarist, composer and arranger.

Emma Lamadji has a wonderful stage presence. With her deep voice, rich in nuances, she brings new depth and power to a repertoire made up of standards. Her performances are also embellished with her own compositions. 

Thanks to a very expressive rhythmic and harmonic writing, the group brings a new sound to existing songs: elements of soul, world, jazz, gospel, pop … are added.


Romain Castéra on drums and percussion and Joan Eche-Puig on electric bass and double bass provide the solid rhythm section. Samuel Mastorakis adds elegance on his vibraphone. 


FREE RIVER takes us from fiery singing through delicate interpretations, into its universe of emotions and sensations.

Lots of audiences have already enjoyed these moments of pure refined inspiration, where the magic takes us to a new world jazz without restraint.

In collaboration with Musicart:

Emma LAMADJI: voice
Matia LEVRÉRO: guitar
Romain CASTÉRA: drums and percussions
Joan ECHE-PUIG: electric bass and double bass
Samuel MASTORAKIS: vibraphone

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